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Crab Béarnaise over Steak

by Angelica Mastellos on April 13, 2021
  • 1 can Harbor Seafood Pasteurized Crabmeat
  • 1 fillet mignon cooked to desired temperature

 Béarnaise Sauce

  • 2 sticks unsalted butter
  • 3 tbsp minced shallots
  • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 2 egg yolks, beaten
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped tarragon
  • Salt, Pepper and Lemon Juice to Taste



  1. Melt a single tablespoon of butter in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Next add minced shallots, salt and pepper; then stir to coat evenly. Add in vinegar and reduce heat to medium-low, cook until vinegar is evaporated (about 3-4 minutes). Reduce heat again to low and continue to cook and stir until soft and translucent (about 5 minutes). Pour shallots in bowl and let cool on the side. 
  2. Melt remaining cup of butter in small saucepan over medium heat until foamy, transfer into measuring cup. In blender, combine egg yolks, lemon juice, and 1 tbsp water and puree mixture until smooth. Remove lid then carefully and slowly pour in hot butter to running blender, discarding milk solids at bottom of butter measuring cup. Replace lid and continue to blend until smooth.
  3. Pour sauce into bowl of prepared shallots and stir in tarragon, salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste.
  4. Warm pasteurized crabmeat in medium sized pan on low heat. Top cooked filet mignon with warmed crab, then pour sauce over both and sprinkle with cayenne pepper (optional). Serve with a side of asparagus or your favorite vegetable!